
Customers of LendUp have nothing but great things to say. Often when payday companies say one thing and it’s something else, LendUp makes up for it. Their specialty is lending money to people that banks normally decline by using big data to better analyze risk. When payday companies charge the same high-interest, they reward responsibility through declining rates and additional borrowing power. LendUp is a state-licensed direct lender, which means there is no middleman between you and your loan. The downside is they are only available in Alabama, California, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming.

Not only can LendUp save you money, they have the fastest transfer time of any online payday lender. Their website says 15-minute deposit when normally the industry takes at least one business day, sometimes two to deposit funds. Requesting your funds this quickly may come with an additional one-time fee.

LendUp Ratings

4.0 Service
3.8 cost
4.2 timing
4.2 use again

Fill out their basic application and know if you’re approved within minutes. Another great feature is LendUp reports your loan history to the major credit bureaus to help you rebuild credit. Never take out a loan you cannot pay as this would have severe implications to your credit and could make your financial situation worse.

First time borrowers can expect their interest rates to be as high as other competing payday services, but they promise the rates will go as low as 29% APR over time. This is all done through a loyalty program where you earn points. In addition to lower rates, you can gain access to more credit, earn referral bonuses and more. To find out more, visit lendup.com, email help@lendup.com, or call toll-free (855) 2LE-NDUP.