CashLand Customer Review

  • FK U

    ty oil

    0F C0URSE THIS IS THE SEC0ND ATTEMPT SINCE THE FIRST WIPED 0UT AND W0ULDNT LET ME P0ST.. IMAGINE THAT.. 0NCE AGAIN.. T0day i had t0 g0 t0 Cashland pawn 0ffice t0 buy back my family's $15,000 heirloom ring, st0len by s0me T00thless, w0thless piece 0f shyt. T00thless s0ld my wife's mother's 0ld w0rld diam0nd f0r $500. 0ther st0len items were als0 purchased by Cashland. Luckily we found out about the stolen ring before it sold as it was listed in the c0unter display f0r 1500$.. Cashland MADE US BUY IT BACK... GRRRRRRRRRRR CASHLAND SHOULD ENSURE THE COMMINITIES THEY WORK IN THAT THEY TOO ARE AGAINST Thieves. .. All Pawn sh0ps sh0uld have t0 display all items purchased 0r pawned on a web site f0r all t0 view daily. Currently the Pawn sh0p is allowed to put any item up for sale 17 days after purchase. This is unacceptable.. Most ppl don't realize an item is stolen for at least 30 days..

    5 Service
    1 Cost
    1 Timing
    1 Use Again

CashLand Ratings

3.1 Service
2.8 cost
2.6 timing
2.9 use again